How many jobs are available in finance? - 7 high-paying examples In 2023


By Nerly Shammah Jul 29, 2023


There are over 1,449,773 Jobs available in finance according to the Adzuna database with over 715,100 to be added in the next decade, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.


image representation of jobs in finance


In today's world where there are numerous business structures and companies being set up on a daily basis, finance stands to be the most sought-after sector in terms of in-demand financial professionals. 


The reason for this is quite obvious, everything inherently boils down to money in today's world, as such, each and every business and economic sector requires a wide variety of finance professionals from accountants, to investment managers to even personal finance advisors, the list goes on and on and we're going to explore them all in details. 


Understanding the high demand for finance professionals


The job market is incredibly expanding mostly due to the advancement of technology, which has undoubtedly had a huge impact on the business and finance space. 


This surge in digital business practices has widely reshaped the job markets and business competitive landscape. In this current atmosphere, companies and businesses are looking for the best of the best and in high numbers due to the rapid changes in business and market trends. 


A great example of this rapid shift can be seen in the banking and finance sector where the popularity of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology is taking the idea of "banking and finance" into a new realm with "asset tokenization" and the introduction of decentralized finance protocols. 


This shift has had a major impact on business and economic developments around the world, in countries like El Salvador, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are being recognized as legal tender, while in regions like the U.S. prominent banking names like JPMorgan are building what might be the future of "assets digital usage and management" as it introduced into the market the first "bank-owned" private blockchain specifically designed for the tokenization of traditional assets. 


Looking at all these developments, the surge in expert demands in both the finance and technology industries is quite understandable as though these markets are rapidly experiencing structural and economic changes that will reshape the future of business and finance. 


What Does This Mean for Finance Professionals?


These changes entail the potential spike that will occur to value demands and supply in the finance sector. 


That means, more and more will be expected from these professionals and more is expected to be offered to them in return too. According to the Adzuna database, the current average salary for the over 1 million finance jobs currently available in the U.S. Is $78,723 per year. 


7 High-Paying Finance Jobs In 2023


Below is a list of 7 jobs in finance, arranged in descending order of average salaries (from highest paying to lower paying). Please note that these salaries are approximate and can vary based on factors such as location, experience, and company size.


1. Hedge Fund Manager


Job Description: Overseeing investment portfolios, making trading decisions, and managing risk for hedge funds.


Average Salary: $150,000 to $400,000+ per year


A hedge fund manager is tasked with managing high-risk investment portfolios and is expected to be highly strategic and knowledgeable of the assets they manage, Some of the highest-grossing managers reportedly make close to $4 billion a year. 


To get a job as a hedge fund manager one typically needs advanced degrees like an MBA or a Master's in Finance, substantial experience in investment management or related roles is also essential. Further required degrees include a Bachelor's degree in finance, economics, or a related field.


2. Investment Banker 


Job Description: Facilitating mergers, acquisitions, and capital raising for corporations and providing financial advisory services.


Average Salary: $100,000 to $300,000+ per year


Investment bankers may not be mad mathematicians per se but they work with numbers a lot, their job as aforementioned circles around raising capital for corporative, popular employers include the JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs. 


A Bachelor's degree in finance, economics, business, or a related field is required to get a job as an investment banker. An MBA or relevant postgraduate degree can enhance prospects. Strong networking skills and previous experience in finance or investment banking internships are often favoured as per employment specifications. 




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3. Private Equity Manager


Job Description: Managing private equity funds, evaluating investment opportunities, and overseeing portfolio companies.


Average Salary: $100,000 to $250,000+ per year


Private equity managers are generally tasked with identifying potential investment opportunities through research and networking. Presenting investment proposals, negotiations, portfolio management, risk management, and exit strategies are a couple of other roles private equity managers play. 


To be hired as one, you'd require a Bachelor's degree in finance, economics, business, or a related field. Positions often but not always require an MBA or advanced financial certification. Strong communication and relationship-building skills are essential as per common job specifications. 


4. Private Banker


Job Description: Providing personalized financial services and investment advice to high-net-worth individuals and families.


Average Salary: $80,000 to $200,000+ per year


As a private Banker, you work for the rich. Your job revolves around making sure your rich/ultra-rich clients don't go broke but actively grow their wealth under your management. 


Similar to a private equity manager, getting a job as a private banker requires a Bachelor's degree in finance, economics, business, or a related field. Some specifications include an MBA or advanced financial certification and Strong communication and relationship-building skills. 


5. Financial Manager


Job Description: Overseeing financial operations in organizations, including budgeting, reporting, and strategic planning.


Average Salary: $70,000 to $150,000+ per year


A financial manager oversees and maintains the health of an organization's financial operations. This cuts through financial planning, budgeting, risk management, cash flow management, cost control and many more. 


To get a job as a financial manager one needs a Bachelor's degree in finance, accounting, or a related field. Advanced degrees ( like MBA) are commonly preferred for higher-level financial management positions. Relevant certifications like CMA (Certified Management Accountant) may also be beneficial.


6. Risk Manager


Job Description: Identifying and assessing potential risks within financial operations and developing strategies to mitigate them.


Average Salary: $70,000 to $140,000+ per year


Risk identification, risk assessment, risk mitigation, risk monitoring and reporting, market research and stress testing, are a few key responsibilities of a risk manager and to get a job as one, you'd need a Bachelor's degree in finance, economics, risk management, or a related field. Certifications like FRM (Financial Risk Manager) are advantageous. Substantial experience in risk analysis and management is typically required.


7. Bookkeeper


Job Description: Maintaining financial records, including transactions, receipts, and payments, for organizations.


Average Salary: $35,000 to $50,000+ per year


A bookkeeper is tasked generally to maintain a company or business ledger, this includes recording financial transactions, bank reconciliation, record maintenance, tax preparation and more. The good news here is that getting a job as a bookkeeper may not require some advanced degrees. 


One typically needs a formal education in accounting and bookkeeping, which typically means you have to be good with numbers and maintaining clean records. 


Should you chase a career in finance? 


The answer is a yes and no depending solely on your personal interest in a career. 


Finance covers a wide range of opportunities that literally eat deep into every business sector due to the fact that money is a huge part of our daily lives, Finance is then impossible to keep out of various tasks and daily activities. 


The job markets around finance will only keep increasing as more and more entrepreneurs develop business structures and high product and service demand floods the business and economic space, so it would be ideal to chase a career in finance. 


Be sure to check out our 10 reasons why finance is a good career path






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