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Content Policy

By submitting your article to us, you agree that Icoverage and its staff can modify and distribute your content to our audience for free - intending to receive no payment in return likewise not being levied a fee to get published.


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What Type Of Article Can You Submit?

Guides, News, Opinion Blogs, Analysis, Investigative Reports, Earning Coverages, Biography - all must be related to crypto, blockchain, technology, business or finance.


Articles submitted must be of high quality, original, and well-optimised with readers in mind first and search engines(optional).


Articles may not contain any promotional materials including texts intended as a promotion of a specific project, promotional links, promotional images and others.


To submit a press release or sponsored post, please visit the advertising page 

Can You Include Links And Images?

Yes, you can include up to 5 images in your articles but only where necessary!


Indicate within the post where specific images should be placed! This is particularly crucial for investigative reports or guides with infographics. 


Please note that your images may be modified(branded) to fit our platforms' design.


There are no limits to the number of links that can be included in a post, however, ensure that no malicious links are being included!


Simply indicate within the article where a link should be embedded, for example, Bitcoin is a [cryptocurrency](link) - simply put the link within a bracket next to the text or texts that need linking.

Create And Publish

Be sure to read and understand the terms above before using this field to submit your content. Ignore profile image and all personal info-field if you wish to stay anonymous

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Max file size (Mb): 30

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